Saturday, May 10, 2014


My new website, RAW FICTION, is starting to take shape. You may have noticed an earlier post in which I described my severe case of computer burn caused by the effort to update my old website with a dysfunctional do-it-yourself web builder program. My sanity has been restored by a talented web doctor named Lawrence McKendell.  He designed a wabi home page and other content pages under my logo Raw Fiction. (I'll explain what that means in due course.)

The rest is technical. We need to build out the architecture of the inner pages with the short stories and articles I want to show off.

Unfortunately, my concept of posting short stories in-progress on the site has been compromised. I'm told that once you publish a piece on a website it's disqualified from being considered for publication  by a traditional  print publisher or an online magazine. They want to have first crack at it and run original work before it's widely available on the internet. Oh well.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


 I think I made a serious error in putting exerpts from fictional reviews on the back cover of the book . When I started building the book cover I thought they were hilarious but intended them as place-holders until I could think of something better to fill the page. I got attached to them, however. It seemed to me at the time that the book's title and its morbid content  could benefit from a bit of humor.  But evidently the joke went flat.

Confidentially I was appalled that so many readers didn't get the allusion to E. B White's classic  children's  book Charlotte's Web. Maybe people don't have children anymore, or they were negligent in reading their kids to sleep at night.

In the first mock review the excerpt is "Some Book." Get it? Hah hah hah.

I regret making the assumption that  this would be  an clear reference to the immortal words Charlotte  the Spider spun in her web:

 "Some Pig"

Her spelling skills made Wilber the  Pig famous and spared him from being made into bacon. My reviewer is named Charlotte Weber, which is either too cute or really stupid,

Hopefully the novel won't be slaughtered into pork chops.